Generating AI blog Posts that google loves! [Prompts included]

Scaling up your content production, especially when managing multiple blogs with multiple writers, can be a nightmare. However, when you use this AI writing workflow, it doesn’t have to be so difficult.

Hey friends, it’s Akhil here. I’m a prompt engineer and a blogger. I believe in building efficient systems for effortless business outputs, mainly in content creation.

In the last post, I explained how to rank better on Google using ChatGPT. In case you missed it you can check it out here: Gain Topical Authority With this ChatGPT Prompt

In this article, we’ll discuss the AI workflow to generate articles that Google loves!
In this article, I have used ChatGPT but you can use any other text-based AI tool like Claude, Gemini, or Copilot.

You can find all the prompts I used in Italics.

Research Document Generation

When you want to write a blog post on a specific keyword, you can have AI create a comprehensive research document with research-related keywords, the target audience, problems that they are facing, competitors, and also the search intent of the keyword. You can just enter the blog topic it needs to research, and just let AI generate a research document.


Imagine you are a blog content strategist and market researcher.

Create a comprehensive research document for the topic “[TOPIC]” and the main keyword “[KEYWORD]” so that we can create a comprehensive blog post outline based on it.

Here are the steps to follow (in order):

  1. Determine the topic and main keyword of the blog post.
  2. Identify 5-10 semantic keywords related to the main keyword
  3. Identify the pain problems related to the topic. 
  4. Research the competitor content and identify the topical gaps that can be covered. 
  5. Identify the search intent.
  6. Identify the target audience.

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Imagine you are a blog content strategist and market researcher.

Create a comprehensive research document for the topic “What is YouTube Automation” and the main keyword “YouTube Automation” so that we can create a comprehensive blog post outline based on it.

Here are the steps to follow (in order):

1. Determine the topic and main keyword of the blog post.

2. Identify 5-10 semantic keywords related to the main keyword.

3. Identify the pain problems related to the topic.

4. Research the competitor content and identify the topical gaps that can be covered.

5. Identify the search intent.

6. Identify the target audience.

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**Research Document: YouTube Automation**

**1. Topic and Main Keyword:**
– Topic: YouTube Automation
– Main Keyword: YouTube Automation

**2. Semantic Keywords:**
1. YouTube channel automation
2. Video scheduling software
3. YouTube content scheduling
4. Automated YouTube marketing
5. YouTube video optimization tools
6. YouTube analytics automation
7. YouTube SEO automation
8. Automated video publishing
9. YouTube algorithm optimization
10. YouTube growth hacking tools

**3. Pain Problems Related to the Topic:**
– Time-consuming manual tasks in managing YouTube channels.
– Difficulty in maintaining a consistent posting schedule.
– Challenges in optimizing videos for better visibility and engagement.
– Inefficient use of resources in managing YouTube marketing efforts.
– Limited insights into audience behavior and video performance.
– Struggles in keeping up with YouTube’s algorithm changes.
– Lack of tools for automating repetitive tasks.
– Difficulty in scaling YouTube presence and growth.

**4. Competitor Content Analysis:**
– Identify competitors in the YouTube automation tools/software space.
– Analyze their blog posts, guides, videos, and other content related to YouTube automation.
– Identify gaps in their content coverage, areas that they haven’t addressed adequately or at all.
– Look for opportunities to provide unique insights, perspectives, or solutions that competitors have overlooked.

**5. Search Intent:**
– Understand why users are searching for “YouTube Automation.”
– Determine if they are looking for tools, strategies, tutorials, case studies, or general information.
– Consider the different stages of the buyer’s journey and tailor content to match various search intents, such as awareness, consideration, or decision.

**6. Target Audience:**
– Content creators: YouTubers, vloggers, video marketers, businesses using YouTube for marketing.
– Digital marketers: Professionals looking to optimize YouTube channels for their clients or businesses.
– Small business owners: Those seeking efficient ways to manage and grow their YouTube presence.
– Marketing agencies: Agencies specializing in video marketing and seeking automation solutions.
– Entrepreneurs: Individuals aiming to leverage YouTube for brand building, lead generation, or revenue generation.

By compiling this comprehensive research document, we can develop a detailed blog post outline that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience while covering essential aspects of YouTube automation and filling gaps left by competitors’ content.

The research report is pretty good as a starting point but you need to indeed do more research to get more ideas related to the topic for better results.

Outline Generation

Now, copy this research document and the prompt below. 


You are a copywriter and blogger. Generate an outline based on the above research document. 

Keep a good mix of H2 and H3 headlines (use H4 if needed). Use power words to outline and stand out. Experiment with different formats like questions, how-tos, lists, etc

Make sure the headlines are witty and creative and should be no longer than 60 characters in length.

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You are a copywriter and blogger. Generate an outline based on the above research document. Keep a good mix of H2 and H3 headlines (use H4 if needed). Use power words to outline and stand out. Experiment with different formats like questions, how-tos, lists, etc Make sure the headlines are witty and creative and should be no longer than 60 characters in length.

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**Blog Post Outline: Unleash the Power of YouTube Automation**

**I. Introduction**
– Welcome to the Era of YouTube Automation
– Why You Need to Automate Your YouTube Workflow

**II. Understanding YouTube Automation**
– *What is YouTube Automation?*
– Exploring the Magic Behind YouTube Automation Tools

**III. The Benefits of Embracing Automation**
– Elevate Your Efficiency: How Automation Saves You Time
– Supercharge Your Growth: Unlocking the Potential of Automated Marketing

**IV. Pain Points and Solutions**
– Tired of Manual Tasks? Discover the Solutions to Your YouTube Woes
– Overcoming Challenges: Solutions for Consistent Scheduling and Optimization

**V. Essential Tools for YouTube Automation**
– Discover Must-Have Tools for Streamlining Your YouTube Workflow
– From Scheduling to Analytics: Tools Every YouTuber Needs in Their Arsenal

**VI. YouTube SEO Automation: Dominate the Algorithm**
– Crack the Code: Strategies for Automating Your YouTube SEO Efforts
– Stay Ahead of the Game: How Automation Keeps You in Sync with YouTube’s Algorithm

**VII. Case Studies: Real-Life Success Stories**
– Learn From the Pros: Case Studies of YouTube Channels Thriving with Automation
– From Zero to Hero: How Automation Transformed These YouTube Channels

**VIII. The Future of YouTube Automation**
– What Lies Ahead? Predictions and Trends in YouTube Automation
– Embrace the Future: How to Stay Ahead in the Ever-Evolving World of YouTube

**IX. Conclusion**
– Embrace the Revolution: Take Your YouTube Game to the Next Level with Automation
– Ready to Soar? Start Automating Your YouTube Journey Today!

This outline provides a captivating journey through the world of YouTube automation, blending informative sections with actionable insights and real-life examples to engage and empower readers.

You can see it has generated a really creative outline you can use for your blog post.

Outline to Blog Post Generation

I tried writing a perfect prompt to generate a blog post in just a single click but unfortunately, it spits out a really bad output. So, here we need to select H2 sections one by one and make ChatGPT write the blog post section-by-section.


You are an expert blogger and copywriter. Write a note on “[H2 header/section]” in an easy-to-read and NLP-friendly manner.

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You are an expert blogger and copywriter. Write a note on “The Benefits of Embracing Automation Elevate Your Efficiency: How Automation Saves You Time Supercharge Your Growth: Unlocking the Potential of Automated Marketing” in an easy-to-read and NLP-friendly manner.

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The Benefits of Embracing Automation

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, embracing automation is not just a choice but a necessity. Let’s dive into the remarkable benefits it brings:

**Elevate Your Efficiency: How Automation Saves You Time**

Automation streamlines repetitive tasks, freeing up your valuable time for more strategic endeavors. With automation tools handling mundane chores like scheduling posts or analyzing data, you can focus on creativity and innovation. Say goodbye to tedious manual work and hello to increased productivity and efficiency.

**Supercharge Your Growth: Unlocking the Potential of Automated Marketing**

Automated marketing is a game-changer for businesses looking to scale rapidly. By automating marketing processes such as lead nurturing, email campaigns, and social media scheduling, you can reach your target audience with precision and consistency. Harnessing the power of automation amplifies your marketing efforts, driving engagement, conversions, and ultimately, growth.

Embracing automation isn’t just about saving time; it’s about unleashing your full potential and propelling your success to new heights. So why wait? Embrace automation today and witness the transformation in your efficiency and growth!

Pretty good, right?

Just repeat the process for every section and you will have the complete post written.

Blog Intro Generation

Now, let’s come to the intro part, copy the prompt below and the research document and feed it to ChatGPT. You can optionally paste in the entire blog post as well for reference. 


You are a blogger with strong copywriting skills and specialized in captivating people’s attention with your introductions.

Create 3 witty blog introductions on the given blog post topic considering the target audience and their intent. The intro should hook readers’ attention and encourage them to read the entire blog post by pushing their emotional buttons. 

Capture the readers’ interest from different angles and unique approaches. 

The output should be based on the research document provided.

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You are a blogger with strong copywriting skills and specialized in captivating people’s attention with your introductions.

Create 3 witty blog introductions on the given blog post topic considering the target audience and their intent. The intro should hook readers’ attention and encourage them to read the entire blog post by pushing their emotional buttons.

Capture the readers’ interest from different angles and unique approaches. The output should be based on the research document provided.

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1. **Introduction 1: The Clock is Ticking, But You’re Still Juggling YouTube Like a Procrastinating Ninja!**

Are you caught in a whirlwind of YouTube chaos, desperately trying to keep up with your content schedule while secretly wishing for an extra pair of hands (or three)? Well, my fellow content creators, fear not! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the electrifying world of YouTube automation. Picture this: Say goodbye to sleepless nights spent wrestling with video uploads and analytics, and hello to a world where your channel practically runs itself. Buckle up as we unravel the secrets to reclaiming your time and sanity, one automated task at a time!

2. **Introduction 2: Calling All YouTube Mavericks: Ready to Skyrocket Your Channel Without Breaking a Sweat?**

Picture this: You, lounging on a hammock, sipping your favorite beverage, while your YouTube channel thrives and grows with minimal effort. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, my friend, dreams do come true, especially in the realm of YouTube automation. Today, we’re flipping the script on traditional channel management, unlocking the power of automation to supercharge your growth like never before. Whether you’re a seasoned vlogger or a fledgling content creator, get ready to embark on a journey where efficiency meets innovation, and success is just a few clicks away!

3. **Introduction 3: Psst! Want to Know the Secret Sauce Behind YouTube Superstars? Spoiler Alert: It’s Automation!**

Ever find yourself scrolling through YouTube, marveling at the success of your favorite channels and wondering, “How do they do it?” Well, dear reader, allow me to let you in on a little secret: behind every YouTube sensation lies a potent ingredient known as automation. Today, we’re pulling back the curtain on the strategies and tools that top creators use to conquer the platform with finesse. Get ready to discover how automation isn’t just a shortcut to success; it’s the ultimate catalyst for turning your YouTube dreams into reality. So grab your popcorn and settle in – because the journey to YouTube stardom starts right here, right now!

That’s a pretty good analogy. Now I can take any of these introductions and make it more creative by mixing and matching elements from various ideas it has generated. Well, now the intro is ready. 

Adding value to the content

Alright, so you’ve finished drafting your blog post, but let’s be real—it might not be hitting the mark for your target keyword. But fear not, because we’re about to take it up a notch!

First things first, give your post a once-over. Proofreading is crucial here. You want to make sure everything reads smoothly and there are no pesky typos lurking around. 

Next up, let’s talk visuals. Adding some eye-catching images can really elevate your post. And if you’re struggling to find the perfect pics, don’t sweat it! There are some awesome tools out there like Midjourney, Dall-E, and my personal favorite,, that can help you create custom images to fit your content like a glove.

Now, onto the fun part—making your post flow like a conversation. Break up those big paragraphs into bite-sized chunks. Nobody likes staring at a wall of text, am I right? And don’t forget to sprinkle in some transitional phrases to keep things moving smoothly from one point to the next.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the data. If you’ve got any numbers or stats to share, consider reformatting them into easy-to-read tables or lists. It’ll make your content much more digestible for your readers.

At the end of the day, the goal is to make your post feel like a friendly chat with a buddy. So go ahead, give it that human touch! Your readers will thank you for it.


In summary, integrating AI into content creation offers transformative potential, particularly for managing multiple blogs with diverse contributors. Adhering to the outlined AI writing process, from research document generation to crafting compelling blog intros and posts, enables content creators to streamline workflows and deliver high-quality, engaging content resonating with readers and search engines.

While AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, or Copilot offer valuable support, it’s crucial to acknowledge the irreplaceable value of human intervention. Proofreading, visual enhancements, and thoughtful structuring remain pivotal in elevating content quality.

Ultimately, the aim is to foster a conversational tone within content, fostering reader engagement and retention. Whether you’re an experienced blogger or a novice, integrating AI technology with your creativity and expertise can drive content success.

So, take the plunge into the AI writing workflow and unleash your content creation potential. Your audience eagerly anticipates interaction with your captivating, AI-enhanced content.

Must read: ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: A Complete Guide For Beginners

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